The staff at Abacus Training would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Owner Builder Course students (past and present) a very safe and Merry Christmas.
It is a time of great joy for many people but also a time of manic activity on many owner builder work sites. There are two very important things I want you to consider as we come into this holiday period. Firstly, we hope our Owner Builder have used their project management and scheduling/planning skills to make certain their owner builder projects continue seamlessly over a time where many suppliers and trade contractors are simply not available. Everyone needs a break, so I hope you have pre ordered and allowed for about a 3 week lull in availability of some services. This will save frustration and keep your project on track. If not, relax, please dont stress as it will not achieve much and is simply not good for your or your close ones. The second and more important thing to consider is site safety. The holiday season often sees and increase in accidents and incidents on woner builder sites. This is sometimes caused by uninitiated visitors to the site, including family and friends. A second cause is the urgency and rush 'get it done' attitude that tends to creep in over the short break. You can only do what you can do and the safety of yourself and all those who visit your site must be the number one priority as always. Think before you act and make certain you and the persons on your site make it home safely to your families at the end of every day. Once again, merry christmas and have a great New Year, 2017 promises to be very exciting and we guarantee we will be continually improving our course offerings and services to our owner builder students. Very Best Regards to you and your families, Rick Heaton and all teh Abacus Training Staff
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AuthorRick Heaton is a Building and Construction Industry professional with formal tertiary qualifications in management and training. Archives
January 2025