NSW and QLD Owner Builder Courses Online
Course Overview
Owner Builder Videos
Queensland Owner Builder Information
QLD Owner Builder Responsibilities and Legal Obligations
QLD Owner Builder Design
QLD Owner Builder Plan Reading and Budget Estimating
QLD Owner Builder Engaging Professionals
QLD Owner Builder Tendering
QLD Owner Builder Contract Administration
QLD Owner Builder Project Scheduling
QLD Owner Builder Insurances
QLD Owner Builder Workplace Health and Safety
New South Wales Owner Builder Information
NSW Owner Builder Responsibilities and Legal Obligations
NSW Owner Builder Design
NSW Owner Builder Plan Reading & Budget Estimating
NSW Owner Builder Engaging Professionals
NSW Owner Builder Tendering
NSW Owner Builder Contract Administration
NSW Owner Builder Project Scheduling
NSW Owner Builder Insurances
NSW Owner Builder Workplace Health & Safety
Enrol Now
Student Information
Conditions of Enrollment
QLD Pre Enrolment Information
NSW Pre Enrolment Information
White Card Pre Enrolment Information
Featured Projects
Owner Builder Sample Course Download Page
Owner Builder Frequently Asked Questions
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NSW Owner Builder Enrollment Page
Please complete the form to the right, to allow us to establish your learning account.
The information text at the start of the form has important information about the information we a required to collect as an RTO.
Standard Enrollment Questions as required under our accreditation as a Registered Training Organisation
As an RTO Abacus Training has a responsibility to collect student information and report to the regulatory Authority. This information is protected by the Privacy Act and our commitment can be found in your student information pack.
To complete, fill out the on screen form and submit.
This will send your information to our administration team who will create your learner account.
When you submit, you will be automatically redirected to the course Welcome Page so you can start your studies.
Type responses as required or mark the check boxes. Double clicking on the check box brings up a screen which allows you to select ‘checked’ to register your response.
The following questions are provided to assist with collecting student data in an AVETMISS-compliant format.
Indicates required field
Student Name in full (Given and Surname)
Date of Birth (enter as dd/mm/yyyy)
type in the date using the dd/mm/yyyy format eg: if you were born on the 15th of March 1960, you will enter: 15/03/1960
Street or Lot Number
Address Street
Address Suburb, Locality or Town
State or Territory
Phone Contact
Email (as per payment email)
In which Country were you born?
If other, please specify:
Do you speak a language other than English at home?
No, only English
If Yes, please specify
If you speak a language other than English at home, how well do you speak English?
Very Well
Not Well
Not at All
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Yes, Aboriginal
Yes, Torres Strait Islander
Yes, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Do you consider yourself to have a disbility, impairment or long term condition?
If you have indicated the presence of a disablility, impairment or long term condition, please select the areas from the following list.
Mental Illness
Medical Condition
What is your highest completed school level?
Year 12 or equivalent
Year 11 or equivalent
Year 10 or equivalent
Year 9 or equivalent
Year 8 or below
Never attended school
In which year did you complete that school level?
enter the school year as a four digit date (eg 1960)
Are you still attending secondary school?
What is the highest level of qualification achieved previously?
Bachelor or higher degree
Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree
Certificate IV
Certificate III
Certificate II
Certificate I
Certificae other than those listed above (eg Occupational Certificates etc)
Which of the following BEST describes your current employment status?
Full Time Employee
Part Time Employee
Self Employed - not employing others
Employed - unpaid worker in family business
Unemployed - seeking full time work
Unemployed - seeking part time work
Not Employed - note seeking employment
Of the following reasons, which best describes your main reason for undertaking this course?
To get a job
To develop my existing business
To start my own business
To get a better job or promotion
It was a requirement of my job
I wanted extra skills for my job
To get into another course of study
For personal interest or self development
Other reasons
From 1st January, 2015, it is a requirement that all students undertaking a course covered by the VET system, obtains a USI. The USI must be provided to the RTO before any qualification can be issued.
If you do not have your USI you may still complete the course, but you must obtain and provide your USI before your Statement of Attainment can be issued.
This is a free service and our website explains how to get your USI.
If you already have a USI, please enter it in the text box below:
My Unique Student Identifier is:
Thank you for completing your enrollment form.
We understand it seems like a bit of overkill for an Owner Builder course and that much of the information you have provided will not be relevant.
It is however a requirement and we are bound to collect and report thios information.
Thank you for your understanding.
Now submit the form and enjoy the course.
Best Regards,
Rick Heaton
ABACUS Training
Course Overview
Owner Builder Videos
Queensland Owner Builder Information
QLD Owner Builder Responsibilities and Legal Obligations
QLD Owner Builder Design
QLD Owner Builder Plan Reading and Budget Estimating
QLD Owner Builder Engaging Professionals
QLD Owner Builder Tendering
QLD Owner Builder Contract Administration
QLD Owner Builder Project Scheduling
QLD Owner Builder Insurances
QLD Owner Builder Workplace Health and Safety
New South Wales Owner Builder Information
NSW Owner Builder Responsibilities and Legal Obligations
NSW Owner Builder Design
NSW Owner Builder Plan Reading & Budget Estimating
NSW Owner Builder Engaging Professionals
NSW Owner Builder Tendering
NSW Owner Builder Contract Administration
NSW Owner Builder Project Scheduling
NSW Owner Builder Insurances
NSW Owner Builder Workplace Health & Safety
Enrol Now
Student Information
Conditions of Enrollment
QLD Pre Enrolment Information
NSW Pre Enrolment Information
White Card Pre Enrolment Information
Featured Projects
Owner Builder Sample Course Download Page
Owner Builder Frequently Asked Questions
About Us
Contact Us
Terms and Conditions
Refund Policy
Privacy Policy
Frequently Asked Questions
Western Australia
WHS Management Plan
Stat Decs